When it comes to legal document translation, accuracy matters. Most individuals understand that running a document through a free online translator could end up costing you much more than the cost of a professional translator. If your legal documents are factually inaccurate, incomplete or filled out incorrectly, you are more likely to accrue additional fees and suffer through delays. Instead, choose highly-qualified translators to handle your legal documents and give you peace of mind.
When Subject Matter Matters
There may be no more important time for accuracy than when you’re submitting documents to a government agency, particularly a foreign government. When you hire a professional translator, you can expect to work with someone who has a comprehensive understanding of legal terms and definitions as well as a nuanced grasp of both the target and source languages.
Confidentiality Counts
If you opt for machine translation instead of professional legal document translation, you can wave goodbye to any expectation of privacy. Free online translation software may retain your text indefinitely and might utilize your text to improve the accuracy of their future translations. Such a lack of privacy might be fine if you’re trying to translate a recipe or letter, but it would not be appropriate for something containing personal information or court documents.
When Professional Translation is Required
In some instances, government agencies require that your translation be completed by a professional and be certified. Some examples include, involvement in an international legal case, completing an application to a foreign university, immigrating to a new country or participating in an international medical study. To ensure a smooth process, be sure to confirm the specific requirements of the particular agency or organization that will be processing your legal documents prior to submission.
Hire ABS Translation for Legal Document Translation
To ensure accuracy, confidentiality and in some cases, compliance, retaining the services of a professional translator for your legal documents is a wise choice. At ABS, we have a global network of linguists who can translate documents into more than 100 languages. If you’d like to get started on your legal document project, reach out to ABS Translations via email or by calling us at 215-233-3000.